Disturbingly Entertaining
I like the hap-hazzard style and gruesome satire
Disturbingly Entertaining
I like the hap-hazzard style and gruesome satire
Really good.
Good story, well paced, and funny.
Thank you. :)
Hits: Animation, Artwork, music is very good indeed. Particularly the show opener sequence.
Misses: Some of the humor was delivered too dryly for my taste. I don't really understand the characters' motivation. Perhaps there is none?
Very Cute. I like the classic elements you've included, but try giving your little guy some motivation.
I don't know anything about DB but I chuckled heartily at this fun animation!
Cute and Nifty
OK, so this isn't going to change anybody's life, but it is very nice.
Hits: I really like the reveal of the meaning of the clock and the anchor was a nice metaphorical touch. The song is also very nice.
Misses: Why isn't the song credited? The story does not accurately reflect the theme of the song (this is not to say that it doesn't work well with the MUSIC in the song). The animation is adequate but not very inspiring. I don't understand the signigicance of the fish (perhaps there is none?).
Stick figures fighting?
The animation is excellent, but at the end of the day it's just stick figures fighting.
I guess I "just don't get it" - Good work though. Nice collaboration.
Creepy, funny
I like your drawing style and character designs. The animation is pretty good - but you could loosen it up a bit by not isolating so much. Your efforts would benefit greatly from a solid story line.
I am a cartoon man.
Age 57
2D Animation
Joined on 5/9/09